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BUS 40100 and BUS 59000

This guide will serve as a resource as you work through your strategic living case study.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
S.G. Maldonado-Velez
(260) 481-6500

Vision, Mission, and Long-Term Goals

A company often conveys its mission, vision, and/or values via it website. This information maybe explicitly stated on an About Us page in the form of a:

  • Mission, vision, or purpose statement
  • Statement of values
  • Statement of operating principles
  • Codes of ethics

Other times, however, you may have to subtly interpret this information based on what is being presented.

  • What does the website look like?
  • What products, services, and promises are being stated?
  • Who is represented in the company's images?
  • How does the company brand itself via logo, font, colors, advertising materials, etc.?

Answering these questions may help you get an idea of the company's vision and values.

Social Media

Charity and Community Outreach Partners