Google Images allows you to search for images and narrow to a specific reuse permission. This can be a fast easy way to find images for a project. To do this, go to the Tools menu after you run your search, then select Usage Rights.
You have the following options for Usage Rights:
Fair use provides the broadest and most flexible exception to copyright limitations. It is technology-and-format-neutral and can be applied to any medium. A fair use determination requires a good faith analysis of four equally-weighted factors specified in the law. Fair use can be the most challenging and difficult determination to make. The following tools can help you understand the four factors, weigh them, and make an informed decision.
Whether something can be considered a fair use exception depends on four factors:
1. Purpose and character of the use and whether it is for commercial or educational/non-profit purposes
2. The nature of the copyrighted work (creative and imaginative versus factual)
3. Amount and substantiality of portion use
4. Effect of the potential market for or value of the work
The more factors that apply, the more likely something might be considered fair use.
Directions for conducting an image search in CINAHL:
If you are the creator and the copyright owner, great!
If you are posting or publishing photographs you have taken, get the written permission of the subjects. See the language in this sample Media Waiver.