HathiTrust is a digital archive of books and other materials sponsored by a consortium of universities. You can search either the catalog or the full text. For especially pre-1924 materials, you can login and download the entire PDF.
You can search the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe and other leading european research libraries. After searching, you can click on "Collections" for digitized materials. If you find books of interest, try searching for the title you found in the Helmke Library Catalog or WorldCAT.
Search across many Helmke Library databases to find both primary sources and scholarly materials. After searching, try the filters at the left hand side. This is also a good place to look for items found in footnotes or a bibliography. If you don't find the full text of the item you're looking for, make a Document Delivery request. The "Everything" search is also the default search on the Library's homepage.
This resource consists of two major collections from the British Library which span three hundred years of newspaper publishing in the U.K.—17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers and 19th Century Newspapers.
The French language newspaper of Jean-Paul Marat, covering 1789 to 1792. A collaborative digitization project between New York Public Library and Stanford University Library. From ARTFL.
Covers 1450-1850. Provides digital facsimile images of unique primary sources that track the development of the modern, western world through the lens of trade and wealth.
Presents citations and images for over 125,000 works from such sources as Pollard & Redgrave's Short Title Catalog (1475-1640), Wing's short-title catalog (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661).
A guide to official documents, organized by country. Includes transcriptions, facsimiles and translations related to European history. For print versions, try looking for the item in the catalog or WorldCat.
From the Library of Congress. Try the "Explore" option. For example, you can choose the "Time Period" and then click on the arrow/s to view all the filters. From the Library of Congress. See also the American Memory collection.
A french language site from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France with a large collection of digitized newspapers, magazines, images, and sound recordings.
Includes French language materials on Voltaire, Roussea, French theater, Montaigne and more. From the Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL).