Provides access to the OCLC database with more than 1 billion bibliographic records for materials in all formats held by libraries in the U.S. and around the world.
Includes a large collection of scholarly journals by historians. You can limit by "Historical Period." After searching, you can limit by "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals."
Search the full text of journals in many disciplines, including over 450 journals in history. You can narrow by date and also scroll down to narrow by discipline. Also includes book reviews.
An EBSCO database, this resource provides abstracts and indexing of articles popular magazines, scholarly journals, and major newspapers in all fields of study, with several thousand titles available full text.
This encyclopedia spans the globe to explain the issues behind crimes against humanity and human rights issues as they relate to individual countries and the world at large. It traces the history of events that qualify as genocide and crimes against humanity, profiles perpetrators and heroes, and explains international laws and law proceedings aimed at ending genocide and crimes against humanity.
This encyclopedia offers an authoritative and comprehensive survey of the important writers and works that form the literature about the Holocaust and its consequences.
This research guide outlines the extensive print and online resources for researching the Holocaust and other genocides at Purdue University Fort Wayne Helmke Library.
The International Court of Justice was established by the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that all Member States of the United Nations are ipso facto parties to the Court’s Statute. The Statute, together with the Rules of Court, organizes the composition and functioning of the Court.
Primary Sources
Library Catalogs
While library catalogs are often used to find secondary sources, they are also excellent tools for finding primary sources:
To find primary sources in the Library's catalog, you could try adding the word "sources" or "memoir" or "personal narratives" to your search. Or, you could try adding the word "translated" to look for foreign language titles that have been translated into English.
Features credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources, including Fort Wayne's Journal Gazette, in all subject areas including political science, English, sociology, humanities, business, international studies, current events, science, and more.
Searches across a variety of U.S. and British newspapers and periodicals, such as the Daily Mail Historical Archive and the Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992. You can limit your search to a single or multiple publications.
Full text searching and PDFs of U.S. official documents, including the Pentagon Papers, U.S. Statutes at Large, Presidential Library, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), as well as a Supreme Court Library, Treaties and Agreements Library, Women and the Law, Legal Classics and World Constitutions Illustrated, among others.
Provides online access to over 500,000 pages of previously classified government documents. Covers major international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam War and beyond.
Contains more than 55,000 video testimonies of survivors and witnesses of genocide, crimes against humanity, and related persecution. Created and maintained by the USC Shoah Foundation from the Lee Liberman Visual History Archive Program..
HathiTrust offers a large collection of digitized books, journals and other library materials. It is especially useful for finding materials in the public domain.