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IET 10500 Industrial Management

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Sarah Wagner
Information Services and Instruction Librarian
(260) 481-6511
Skype Contact: sarah.wagner881

What about Full Text?

Full text means that the text of the article is available in PDF or HTML digital format. Graphics and tables are not automatically included unless the database producer has rights to publish them. Many of the library's licensed databases offer the full-text content of periodical articles. students, faculty, and staff now have access to more than 20,000 full-text journals. Find them in E-Journal Finder.

When an article you need is not available full text in the database you are using, choose  to see all of your delivery options. You may be able to access the full-text content in another database, request the article from another library through Document Delivery Services, or make a photocopy of the article if the printed periodical is owned by Helmke Library.

When a Resource is Not Available in the Library


You may a request any item that is not available at Helmke Library through Document Delivery Services (DDS). DDS borrows books and provides photocopies of periodical articles from other library collections. The service is free for faculty, staff, and students.

Gaining an Overview

To develop and refine your search, it often helps to consult a specialized dictionary, encyclopedia, handbook, textbook, guide, or bibliography. These tools are designed to offer an overview of your topic or research problem written by an expert. They may provide an historical perspective, a chronology of events, definitions of terms or concepts, or bibliographic references leading to the literature in a particular field of study. Many useful reference works are now available online. Several of our major  e-reference collections are available below:

Searching Databases for Journal Articles

Business & Industry Databases

Business databases are particularly important for industry and company research. Information about companies that deal with certain products of interest to engineering students especially when working on design projects.

Finding Books and Media

Library Search interface

Use Library Search to find books, periodicals (scholarly journals, popular magazines, newspapers, and other serials), or  other library materials such as music CDs, electronic resources, and videos. Books, printed periodicals, and other library materials are shelved in call number order.

A-N = 3rd Floor   |  P-Z = 4th Floor   |   Reference = 1st Floor


Looking for something not in Library Search?  Try Worldcat linked below.

OCLC Worldcat Logo

When you do not find enough information via the library catalog, try using the WorldCat catalog. WorldCat is a worldwide library catalog containing records from most academic and larger public libraries worldwide. You can use the "Request Item through Document Delivery" button to order materials that are not available at the Purdue Fort Wayne library.

Is Your Article Scholarly or Popular?

University instructors often ask students to use articles from scholarly journals rather than from popular magazines for their research assignments. The following Is Your Journal Scholarly? (PDF) summarizes major differences between scholarly journals and popular magazines. Which type of source have you located?

Searching the Internet

Because the World Wide Web is a massive, tangled directory of knowledge producers, research, facts, and entertaining tidbits of information, you must be critical about the material you find there. Quality and validity are not assured when anyone can publish anything, anytime, without the benefit of scholarly peer review. To help determine if a website you have located is a reliable source of  information, try taking the CRAAP test, available here: Is Your Web Site Credible?