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ENGL 12900-13100 English Composition

Finding the Full Text

Full text means that the text of the article is available in PDF or HTML digital format. Many of the library's licensed databases offer the full-text content of periodical articles via .

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Sarah Wagner
Information Services and Instruction Librarian
(260) 481-6511
Skype Contact: sarah.wagner881

Journal Articles

Academic Search Premier covers core periodicals in a wide variety of subject areas and has a limit to scholarly journals feature. MasterFILE Premier and MAS Ultra provide access general interest magazines.


  More specialized journal databases for subjects taught at Purdue Fort Wayne can be found in our Topic Guides.

Is Your Article Scholarly or Popular?

University instructors often ask students to use articles from scholarly journals rather than popular magazines for their rsearch assignment.  The following library research tool summarizes major differences between scholarly, popular and trade publications.  Use it to help determine which type of source you have located.