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ENG-W234 Prof. Benyousky

Researching A Company

The first step to researching a company you'd like to work for is to have an idea of the jobs available. Your instructor has given you a list of places in the assignment sheet but you can also check 

Once you have a company in mind here are the next steps:

  1. Go to the website for the company and investigate. Look for annual reports, see what kind of language they use to talk about themselves, what kind of company culture are they displaying?
  2. Check company and industry reports, if avaialble.  Marketline is a great place to start!  Private companies and smaller employers may not be included, or have as long of a report. 
  3. Check the news for what is being said about the company.
  4. Check reviews of the company


Researching a Company and/or Industry

News Sources

These guides have more options for news sources

Reviews of Companies