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Public Domain, Creative Commons, and Other Online Resources


Using Google for Images

Google Images allows you to search for images and narrow to a specific reuse permission. This can be a fast easy way to find images for a project.  To do this, go to the Tools menu after you run your search, then select Usage Rights. 

You have the following options for Usage Rights:

  • Labeled for reuse: Allows you to copy or redistribute its content if the content remains unchanged.
  • Labeled for reuse with modification: Allows you to copy, modify, or redistribute in ways specified in the license.
  • Labeled for noncommercial reuse with modification: Allows you to copy, modify, or redistribute only if it is for a noncommercial (i.e. nonprofit) purpose. Most educational use would fall into this category.
  • Labeled for noncommercial reuse: Allows you to copy or redistribute content that remains unchanged and only if it is for a noncommercial (i.e. nonprofit) purpose. Most educational use would fall into this category.

Select tools under the search bar, then choose Usage rights

Using Your Own Media

If you are the creator and the copyright owner, great!

If you are posting or publishing photographs you have taken, get the written permission of the subjects. See the language in this sample Media Waiver.