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EDU 346 Book Bundles

EDU 346 Book Bundles

This guide provides links to Children's Literature Collection materials at Helmke Library for EDU 346, Guidance of Young Children.

  • The "bundles" are arranged into thematic units/behavioral areas* that encourage the application of the weekly course concept into practice with young children.
  • The themes/behavioral areas are arranged alphabetically on the left side of this screen. By clicking on a theme, you can access links to children's literature materials associated with that theme in the Helmke Library Children's Literature Collection
  • The Children's Literature Collection contains both eBooks and print books. eBooks may be accessed through the links in each theme/behavioral areas. Print books are located on the 3rd Floor of Helmke Library in the Children's Literature Collection and must be checked out at the Service Desk.


*Behavioral areas are from Squires, J., Bricker, D., & Twombly, E. (2015). Ages & Stages Questionnaires ®: Social, Emotional, 2nd Edition (ASQ®:SE-2): A Parent-Completed Child Monitoring System for Social-Emotional Behaviors. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing, Inc.