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A code provides minimum safeguard for people with regard to building safety and fire prevention. Codes protect health, safety and welfare as they relate to the residential and commercial built environment. (International Code Council
A standard is a prescribed set of rules, conditions, or requirements concerning definitions of terms; classification of components; specification of materials, performance, or operations; delineation of procedures; or measurement of quantity and quality in describing materials, products, systems, services, or practices. (National Policy on Standards for the United States and a Recommended Implementation Plan. National Standards Policy Advisory Committee, Washington, D.C., December, 1978, p.6.)
A specification is literature which clearly and accurately describes essential requirements for equipment, systems or services including the procedures which determine that the requirements have been met. (Specifications. (1998). In Dictionary of Communications Technology: Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations, Wiley.)
For further reading on standards in the U.S see: NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) website.
A selection of these titles is listed below. Search the online library catalog for more resources.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards (Reference TA401 .A64 2010)
Architectural Graphic Standards (Reference TH2031 .A84)
Architectural Graphic Standards (CD-ROMs TH2031 .A842)
Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential Construction (Reference TH2031 .A84254)
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Handbooks (Reference TH7011 .A4)
Building code basics-- residential: based on the 2006 international residential code (TH420 .V36)
Building Codes Illustrated (TH420 .C49)
Codes Guidebook for Interiors (KF5701 .H37)
Interior Graphic Standards (TH2031 .M34; CD-ROM TH2031 .M342)
Landscape Architectural Graphic Standards (SB472 .H57)
McGraw-Hill Construction Locator: Building Codes, Construction Standards, and Government Regulations (TH420 .M33)
National Electrical Code Handbook (TK260 .N47)
Planning and Urban Design Standards (TH2031 .P55)
Time-saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning (NK2110 .T48)
All codes currently used in Allen County are available at the Allen County Building Department. Indiana amendments appear in the Indiana State Code online under Indiana Administrative Code: Title 675.
The following are print code resources available at Helmke Library:
International Building Code, with Indiana Amendments (K3538.A15 I58)
International Fire Code, with Indiana Amendments (K3674.A15 I58)
International Fuel Gas Code, with Indiana Amendments (K3542 .I54)
International Mechanical Code, with Indiana Amendments (K3542 .I57)
International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, with Indiana Amendments (K3538.A15 I586)
National Electrical Code (NEC), with Indiana Amendments (TK152 .N27)
Uniform Plumbing Code, with Indiana Amendments (KF5709 .I5)